  • sex medicine

PXXL Sex Power Medicine – The Golden Name for Permanent Sex Medicine

Original price was: ₹3,000.00.Current price is: ₹2,487.00.

Benefits of PXXL Sex Medicine:

  • Builds sex power and sex stamina
  • Soaks sexual weakness
  • Boosts enthusiasm and passion in sex
  • Increases quality of erections
  • Increases intercourse timing and control
  • Powerful orgasms with increased semen
  • No need for artificial sex enhancer
  • Complete sex power treatment
  • No side effects risk/ no addiction fear
  • 100% natural herbs


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Product Description

Sex Power Medicine- Permanent Sex Medicine For Sexual Weakness 

PXXL sex medicine is the natural sexual power originator. The capsule is known for its highly powerful natural substances that bring life in the weakest of veins. Manufactured with the years of experience, expertise, and an advanced processing unit, this sex power medicine is one of the rare natural formulations that comes with the trust of modern research and testing with the assurance of ancient natural knowledge. The PXXL capsule is the treatment for all types of sexual weaknesses like low libido, low sex stamina, small intercourse timing, late or low arousal, difficulty in preparing for sex, a weak orgasm that goes unnoticed, or other similar issues.

The medicine is for all those men who want freedom from their daily sexual issues with a permanent treatment. There are many temporary solutions to get rid of low libido, immature ejaculation, and weak erections but ask yourself, how long you can continue these temporary solutions to fill energy in you. The time will come when these medicines will also stop producing an impact on your penis then there would be no going back. Hashmi`s PXXL sex capsule brings you out of this situation and helps you to get freedom from these daily sexual enhancers. The medicine is completely safe from the evils like addiction, repetition, dependency and urgent usage. It is a treatment that heals and enables the body to generate new sex energy in the penis which helps in better sexual stimulation and performance.

Low sex power – A wide spread Issue

Low sex power is related to man`s ability to indulge in the sex act with enthusiasm and passion. Different men have different body power and so variable sex capacity. While some can indulge in multiple sessions, some can only do it once properly. Due to these different sexual abilities, no man can compare his power with other. What he can compare it with his own sex ability. What he was before and what he is now. The reasonable comparison can bring the man to the right analysis regarding his power. There is one more point to consider. Are you able to do good foreplay with your partner and does not feel any tiredness or boringness in the act? If the answer is no then you should consider a sexual treatment.

The issue of low sex energy comes very silently in the life. You take it as a normal incident when the first few times you don’t feel the same arousal or same passion. Sometimes you also take it as a habitual thing as a reduction in sensation due to intercourse with the same partner. But you are mistaken here. Sex is need of the body. It is not driven by outer force rather by inner forces. The outer things like beauty and appeal of the partner only fuel it to take it supreme level. But the real instinct and real fire burn within. This can be realized anytime anywhere. If the situation of low sex drive is frequent then it is the sign that you are losing your sexual energy. There are numerous daily life reasons that affect this energy. As per natural methodology, it is said that every man has a certain energy source or energy bucket and it diminishes with time and as the man uses it.

If, you are finding that weakness or low sex drive and need a support to go on then PXXL sex capsule is the best supplement for you.

Causes of Low sex power;

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Lack of nutritional food
  • Low body activity/ absence of exercises
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Low testosterone production
  • Mental issues like depression, anxiety and tension
  • Relationship issues
  • Excessive masturbation during early years

PXXL Sex Power Medicine – Increase your sex power 

The best way to deal with an issue is to eradicate its root causes while protecting the subject from maximum damages. It is what natural medicines do. PXXL sex capsule is a pure herbal treatment to deal with sexual issues such as low sex desire, low arousal, weak erections due to an absence of sex enthusiasm, short sex timing, looseness in erections during intercourse, tiredness during the sex act, and other similar issues.

Formulated by expert researchers in the state of the art faculty, the medicine has proven its worth as the most classic treatment for sexual issues in men. It has gained fame because of its double impact on the issue. The medicine saves the user from incurring damages due to weakness and also removes the weakness by healing the power. This sex medicine is the permanent treatment for sex weakness, unlike other sexual enhancers which only work for one sex session. This medicine is made to bring the originality back in man. He does not become mad for sex as happens with most Viagra type sex capsules and also does not fall back like what happens when the impact of those medicines finishes. PXXL maintains the body sexual strength, build sex stamina, balances the amount of testosterone in the body and soothes the nervous system for better arousal and better sex ability. The increased amount of blood flow to the penis rejuvenates the tissues and muscles the impact of which can be seen in the erection quality and erection stability.

PXXL sex medicine is the best available sex medicine in the market that one can rely upon. The impact of the medicine starts from the very 1st month and till the end of the course in 3rd or 4th month (depending upon individual cases), the user can indulge in passionate and extreme sex session without any sex enhancers. It reinstates the body sexual craving and thus there remains no requirement for any artificial sex medicine. Besides, the better penis organ helps in better sex control which results in longer sexual intercourse and longer erection stability.

Ingredients of PXXL Sex capsule

Orchis latifolia, Aspargus adscendens, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Withania somnifera, Crocus sativus, Cuscuta reflexa, Zingiber officinale, Mucuna pruriens, Anacyclus pyrethrum, Eclipta alba, Hyoscyamus niger, Asparagus racemosus, Myristical fargrans, Black bitumen, Nigella sativa


Don’t use the medicine with any other sexual enhancer. The user can find occasional erection in penis after the consumption of medicine because of new energy circulation. Do not ejaculate. Just feel the power and accept it in the body.

Quantity and course:

Two capsules a day. One in the morning and the other one in the night. The course duration might extend for 3-4 months, depending upon the condition of the patient.

Frequently asked question:

What is the difference between this medicine and Viagra?

Viagra is a temporary sexual enhancer which works to send a sudden rush of energy to the weak veins. The impact remains for a very short time and it only further damages the penis ability. On the other hand, PXXL sex capsule is the natural sex enhancement treatment which understands the penis working method and gradually removes the weakness and heals the penis organ for better sexual performance. The arousal increases after the production of the hormone become better and the penis erection increases after the better blood and energy circulation.

Is there any side effect of this sex medicine?

Our first focus while making our medicines is safety and acceptability. No medicine from our house is risky or harsh on the body. The soothing nature of natural medicines is the point that has made Hashmi pharmacy so famous in the world of sexual treatments.

How will I get the medicine?

You can order the medicine online or can call us for the order. Your medicine will come in the discreet package without any mentioning of any company name or medicine name. You can call our specialists anytime for any assistance or consultation.

Does medicine also treat premature ejaculation and nightfall?

PXXL sex capsule is to remove the sex weakness and to build sex stamina. In the course, it also removes the slight signs of premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction but if you are suffering from serious premature ejaculation then there is another treatment for the same. You can call our specialists to clear the clouds of doubt and get the right prescription.

How is it better than other sex treatments available in the market?

A medicine does not become good by giving guarantees and claims, rather it becomes good when it is able to address the issue and cure it of its roots. This is what PXXL is known for. We don’t give any money back guarantee to win the trust of the patients because we know that we are only doctors, not God. The medicines might fail sometimes due to many reasons which can only be known later but PXXL is the treatment that has all the elements that are required to treat each and every aspect of sexual weakness.


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